
A creative problem solver and visual storyteller, I aspire
to build sophisticated computer graphics technologies that
beautifully power digital modeling/simulation, visual computing
& computational art. I am a visionary and scientist who is
passionate about the intersection between art and technology with
the purpose of telling captivating stories & bringing powerful
experiences to life through compelling motion graphics.
cout << "basic parameters" << endl;

Education.school = "Syracuse University";
Education.major = "Computer Science, B.S.";
Education.minor = "Computational Physics";
Education.grad = "2020";
Education.GPA = "3.5";
coursework[0] = "Computer Graphics";
coursework[1] = "Multithreading & Parallel Prgmg.";
coursework[2] = "Object Oriented Design";
coursework[3] = "Computational Physics I & II";
coursework[4] = "Artificial Intelligence";
coursework[5] = "iOS Development";
coursework[6] = "Computer & Network Security";
coursework[7] = "Data Structures & Algorithms";
coursework[8] = "Software Design & Implementation";
coursework[9] = "Systems Programming";
coursework[10] = "Computer Architecture";
coursework[11] = "Operating Systems Design";
coursework[12] = "Automata & Computability";
coursework[13] = "Probability & Statistics";
Skills.programming_languages = {
"C++", "C", "Java", "Python",
"Swift", "C#", "LaTeX", "Haskell",
"HTML/CSS", "Bash", "LaTeX"
Skills.technologies_and_frameworks = {
"OpenGL", "gnuplot", "Unix/Linux",
"rez", ".NET", ".NET Core", "LINQ",
"Entity Framework 6", "NUnit"
Skills.development_tools = {
"Visual Studio", "VS Code",
"Xcode", "Git", "GitLab",
"GitHub", "Bitbucket",
"Jira", "Confluence"

Pipeline Technical Director @ Skydance Animation
06 / 2021 — 08 / 2022
🚀 Troubleshooted & communicated technical issues across Art, Story, and Editorial departments within production-facing tools, providing hands-on support primarily for ShotGrid, Flix, and SyncSketch
🚀 Collaborated directly with show leadership & rest of production technology team to define, improve, and document both show-specific & studio-wide workflows in preproduction
🚀 Facilitated migration of studio’s inter-site deliveries system from machine in-studio to one in datacenter in collaboration with IT, increasing file transfer speeds & greatly reducing daily asset delivery issues
🚀 Initiated tracking of early preproduction Art assets within ShotGrid, training & launching both production staff & artists in publishing artwork & editorial deliverables to studio servers
🚀 Liaised between artists, production staff, and greater studio technology team, serving as first line of support for pipeline-related concerns in mostly production management
🚀 Designed & built a real-time, per-sequence, per-department visual index of shots & their production status via Flask & the ShotGrid API
🚀 Developed improvements & bugfixes to existing studio tools & pipeline integrations in addition to starting up show-specific processes with Jenkins & Supervisor
Software Engineering Intern @ M&T Bank
06 / 2019 — 08 / 2019
🚀 Created RESTful APIs to build a new internal tool for identifying and analyzing issues and bugs in the
bank’s account opening system, following software principles in the Onion Architecture
🚀 Designed, tested, and pitched a refreshed interface to better address use cases via design thinking
based on interviewing the system’s end users and stakeholders: software developers, business analysts,
product owners, and UX designers
🚀 Implemented search functionalities by writing ​LINQuery calls in ​Entity Framework 6​ to existing ​SQL​
🚀 Achieved 100% unit test coverage using NUnit for all query functions written
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant @ Syracuse University
06 / 2018 — 05 / 2020
[ Intro to Computer Graphics ] Provide weekly office hours to demonstrate & clarify computer graphics concepts in OpenGL, help resolve issues in 30 students’ code, & evaluate projects on delivered ability to apply techniques learned
[ Intro to Computer Science ] Coached, debugged & graded 50 students’ weekly labs in Haskell, consistently instilling efficient & intuitive functional programming skills in learners
[ Computational Physics I] Taught 30 students to write efficient algorithms in C aimed at generating data to model & simulate physical systems & their scientific visualizations
[ General Physics I ] Supervised a class of 50 students in tackling in-class exercises & held review sessions on classical mechanics & ttended weekly meetings with lead professor & graduate teaching assistants to refine learning material for students

some.things =
C++ OpenGL
Qube is a 2x2 Rubik's Cube simulator with added visual & interactive features. Written from scratch in C++, the program features everything you can do with a physical Rubik's Cube: all face rotations and adjustments to the cube's orientation against the eye around each axis, as well as scramble and reset algorithms to automatically unsolve and solve the "qube" — all accessible through the keyboard, mouse controls, and an on-screen drop-down menu. The project focused on showcasing different OpenGL concepts, including
3D transformations, texture mapping, shading/lighting, Bézier curves and surfaces, particle systems, blending, animating using timer
and idle functions, and
user input handling.
C++ OpenGL
Nightroom is a simple first-person POV, mission-based exploration game.
In Nightroom, a player is
able to look around, move in any direction, and click on different objects to activate various features. There is, however, a particular sequence of missions to complete, with which the stages of the game move forward. Hints are given at any given time depending on the current mission. This project, written in C++, focuses on showcasing the following OpenGL concepts: 3D transformations, normals & basic shading/lighting, eye & perspective views, picking & selecting using render hits, collision detection,
animating using timer and
idle functions, and
user input handling.
Swift Firebase
Google Maps API
Xcode UML
I, along with a team of five, developed Cribb — an iOS app for reviewing off-campus housing among university students. The motivations for Cribb emphasized the need for a platform allowing college students to post and share clean, honest, and unbiased reviews on properties they've lived in; created by, for, and among students only, a collective resource around campus. I mostly worked on designing the system's interfaces, as integrated with the system's backend development and database structuring. I also took charge of preparing a Software Specification & Design Document for Cribb, outlining the functional & nonfunctional requirements, class specifications, database & interface design, and use case features of the system.
In a team of four,
I developed uBooks —
a web-based exchange and point-of-sale system for buying and selling used textbooks primarily aimed at college students. I mainly designed the app's interfaces from scratch.
As an officer on the executive board of the Society of Asian Scientists & Engineers (SASE) Syracuse Chapter, I built and consistently maintained the chapter's official website, sasesyr.weebly.com​, revamping the campus organization's visual brand and media presence.
Winning Best Hardware Hack at Syracuse University's first region-wide hackathon, CuseHacks, my team of three conceptualized the LEDrone — a drone enhancing visual communication through an interactive audio-sensored lighting system. Because we had no access to audio sensors at the time of the 24-hour event, we instead prepared a simulation of how the drone would be lit up from the inside at, say, a concert — and hypothetically through audio sensors — by programming an Arduino board with LED lights to synchronize with a sample audio track. I took charge of setting up the Arduino circuitry of the unit and helped program the simulation, and another member modeled a prototype on SolidWorks, which we then 3D printed for the demo. We presented this visual prototype and simulation to a panel of five corporate judges, won Raspberry Pis and a bunch of free swag, and had a lot of fun!
For my introductory computing class in Java, in which I first learned how to code, I wrote a console-based simulator of the card game War, adding novel features to the game as a final project. In total, the program is about 1,100 lines of code long, and consists of three source code files: the Card class, the Deck class, and the War Driver class. The project focused on basic object-oriented programming concepts, such as classes, methods, files and I/O, primitive data types, searching, sorting and randomization algorithms, control flows, and syntax.